Question: Workflow Questions
gravatar for Jesse Erdmann
8.6 years ago by
Jesse Erdmann60 wrote:
I have two questions about constructing a workflow, or possible requests for changes. 1) Is it possible to rename a file output by a task in the workflow? For instance, it would be nice to specify the name of two files concatenated together rather than have it named something like "Concatenation of Dataset X and Y", half of which doesn't show in the left history pane. 2) If multiple tools use the same input, for example one tool uses a threshold and another tools performs analysis based on the threshold used in the previous tool without including the threshold value in a output file. Or more simply, I want to use a user selected value input into one tool as input into another tool later in the workflow without the user having to re-enter the value and without having to pull the value from a file. -- Jesse Erdmann Bioinformatics Analyst Masonic Cancer Center University of Minnesota 612-626-3123 Twitter:
ADD COMMENTlink modified 10 months ago by dhall0 • written 8.6 years ago by Jesse Erdmann60
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10 months ago by
dhall0 wrote:

1) Output renaming Edit workflow and click on the tool you want scroll to "Configure Output: '<name of="" output="">'" Click on it and you should see an option to rename the dataset.

I don't know about item 2, I'm a little curious myself.

ADD COMMENTlink written 10 months ago by dhall0
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