Question: Visualization Of Bed-Fromat Pasted Text
gravatar for Sridhar A Malkaram
8.0 years ago by
Sridhar A Malkaram30 wrote:
Hi, When loading pasted text with lines in bed format (chrom, start, end), I find that galaxy can't display it in the visualization. Does the visualization need specific bed format , with all the columns (~13)? Are gff format/Sam format files supported? With Regards, Sridhar Postdoctoral Research Associate Nutrition and Health Sciences University of Nebraska-Lincoln
gff • 763 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.0 years ago by James Taylor470 • written 8.0 years ago by Sridhar A Malkaram30
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8.0 years ago by
James Taylor470
United States
James Taylor470 wrote:
Excerpts from Sridhar A Malkaram's message of Wed Dec 01 23:30:29 +0000 2010: What behavior are you seeing? An error or just nothing displayed? Galaxy should support 3 column bed, as well as GFF for viz. SAM must be converted to BAM for display right now.
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.0 years ago by James Taylor470
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