Question: Lift Over Function For Ce5 (Ws180) To Ce6
gravatar for Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
8.0 years ago by
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)30 wrote:
Hi, I tried to lift over a list of chromosome mapped to WS180 (ce5) to ce6, but it seems that galaxy does not support ce5. Could you please help? Thank you very much! Best regards, Julie
galaxy • 629 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.0 years ago by Kelly Vincent340 • written 8.0 years ago by Zhu, Lihua (Julie)30
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8.0 years ago by
Kelly Vincent340
Kelly Vincent340 wrote:
Julie, This conversion combination (ce5 --> ce6) does currently exist in Galaxy. ce6 is actually the only listed output option for ce5 files. Have you set your original file to database ce5? As soon as you have a database selected, when you open the lift-over tool and select that file, all of the valid options for that database will be automatically listed in the dropdown box. What is happening so that it does not work for you? Regards, Kelly
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.0 years ago by Kelly Vincent340
Kelly, Thank you very much! It worked this time. FYI, I had problem previously due to the presence of quote around the chromosome column. Best regards, Julie
ADD REPLYlink written 8.0 years ago by Zhu, Lihua (Julie)30
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