Question: Sum Of The Length Of Regions
gravatar for Radek Szklarczyk
12.3 years ago by
Radek Szklarczyk60 wrote:
hi! i found it hard to get the sum of the length of regions. I ended up multiplying mean (sum stats) by the number of regions, for which I had to calculate the length with an expression first. Maybe I overlooked a simple way of getting what i want? radek Radek Szklarczyk,,
ADD COMMENTlink modified 12.3 years ago by Ian Schenck40 • written 12.3 years ago by Radek Szklarczyk60
gravatar for Ian Schenck
12.3 years ago by
Ian Schenck40
Ian Schenck40 wrote:
Radek, I believe the tool Base Coverage under Operate on Genomic Intervals (bx) is what you are looking for. It simply outputs the total number of bases covered by a set of intervals, which is the combined length of all intervals. In addition, multiplying the mean by the number of regions would count the bases covered by overlapping regions twice (or more). Perhaps adding "Total" to the summary stats is a good idea though. Ian
ADD COMMENTlink written 12.3 years ago by Ian Schenck40
I didn't find this one! thanks! I solved the problem of overlapping regions by intersecting regions with itself. radek Radek Szklarczyk,,
ADD REPLYlink written 12.3 years ago by Radek Szklarczyk60
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