Question: "Edit Attributes" Not Working When Logged In
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8.7 years ago by
amit mandal10
amit mandal10 wrote:
hello all, I've been using Galaxy for quite some time. Since last 2 weeks I'm unable to use the *Edit Attributes* (*pencil icon*) on the stored datasets when logged in my Galaxy account (this e-mail ID). If I use Galaxy without logging in, the *pencil icon* works fine. But as I log in and try to do the same, I get this message in the middle pane of the Galaxy site - " Server Error An error occurred. See the error logs for more information. (Turn debug on to display exception reports here) " I've attached a screenshot for reference. Recently I updated my account from an old ID to this e-mail ID. Could the error be linked to this? There are several histories stored in my account. I'm unable to use the *pencil icon* in neither of them. Kindly help, I'm confused. thank you. regards, -- Amit Mandal Graduate Student Genomics & Molecular Medicine IGIB
galaxy • 747 views
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