I've got several custom tools that are going to be published on the toolshed but are not currently. Right now they hard-code the paths to the tool dependencies, but I was wondering if there's a way to handle their dependencies with a tool_dependencies.xml like toolshed tools have? A colleague told me that tool dependencies can't be handled for tools that didn't come from a tool shed, but I wanted to double-check this.
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Question: Can Dependencies Be Handled in Custom Tools?
mccoykg • 80 wrote:
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modified 3.0 years ago
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k
3.0 years ago by
mccoykg • 80
Jennifer Hillman Jackson ♦ 25k wrote:
Any tool can have an associated tool_dependencies.xml file. This would be needed anyway before loading your new tools into the Tool Shed. (Not strictly required, but it is a better model to follow).
However, if the goal is to allow others to install the tool outside of a tool shed with managed dependencies, using the same mechanisms specific to those installed from a tool shed, then your colleague is correct.
Thanks, Jen, Galaxy team
Thanks! So what would be the correct mechanism for managing dependencies for tools outside of a toolshed / in the "tools" folder of an instance?
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