Question: Integrating Genomeview As Display Application
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8.3 years ago by
Marijn Vandevoorde10 wrote:
Hi all, I'm trying to integrate genomeview as a display application. The configuration of the display applications seems to be pretty straightforward, but genomeview needs multiple input files. I can of course write a cgi file that will take a bunch of get parameters and use these as input files for the java applet. so on the side of genomeview, there's not really a big problem. however, to integrate it with galaxy, i don't see how to send multiple datasets to genomeview. you can only add the "view with genomeview" link to one dataset (or to all, but all will be viewed seperately). so i came up with the idea of a new datatype, .gvl, the genomeview list. in it, basically, a list of links to the datasets, so galaxy can work with them. i could make a tool, gvl creator, to take several datasets as input and then create a really simple textfile containing one url per line, for each dataset. i think this is the way to go (if anyone has better suggestions, please tell!) but now come the real questions: most important: how do i get the public url of my datasets? all other tools use the filesystem path, can't really find an example. and secondly: any idea how i could maybe take a dynamic number of inputs? i suppose that's not possible. this is not that big a problem. i could combine multiple gvl creators and then a gvl merger or something, no biggie! all help really appreciated. and of course i'll be happy to share everything with whoever is interested afterwards :-) with kind regards, marijn
galaxy • 752 views
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