Question: Downloading Huge Data Sets From History Using Wget
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8.5 years ago by
pis@duke.edu10 wrote:
Dear Galaxy team, I am doing some standard clipping and trimming using galaxy and would be happy to download the generated files using a unix terminal and wget. Is it a way to figure it out the exact link of the data file to wget it easily? I am talking about file sizes over 5 Gb that are really time consuming and error prone to download using a web browser. Thank you very much for developing this excellent tool Peter
galaxy • 1.6k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.5 years ago by Florent Angly370 • written 8.5 years ago by pis@duke.edu10
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8.5 years ago by
Florent Angly370
Florent Angly370 wrote:
Hi Peter, It's pretty easy. In the Galaxy interface, use the "save" icon represented as a floppy disk. Instead of clicking on the icon, get the URL for it (in Firefox: right click > save link location). Then simply copy this URL in your terminal for wget to use. Florent
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.5 years ago by Florent Angly370
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8.5 years ago by
Florent Angly370
Florent Angly370 wrote:
Hi Peter, See an example below: The download link was copied from the "save" icon. When I try with your link, I get: The "request range not satisfiable" makes me think that your download link is not valid for some reason. Florent
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.5 years ago by Florent Angly370
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8.5 years ago by
Florent Angly370
Florent Angly370 wrote:
Hi Peter, Please use 'reply all' so that everyone on the mailing list can participe in the discussion. I did not publish my history, so that's probably not what causes problems for you. If you can click on the 'save' icon and it starts the download successfully, then you ought to be able to copy the download link and use it in wget and have it working. What happens when you click on 'save'? Does it start the download? Florent
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.5 years ago by Florent Angly370
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