Question: Data Libraries - Moving Files Between Folders
gravatar for Dennis Gascoigne
8.5 years ago by
Dennis Gascoigne30 wrote:
Is there a way to move data files in the library into a different or sub-folder? Cheers Dennis
ADD COMMENTlink modified 8.5 years ago by Greg Von Kuster810 • written 8.5 years ago by Dennis Gascoigne30
gravatar for Greg Von Kuster
8.5 years ago by
Penn State University
Greg Von Kuster810 wrote:
Hi Dennis, There is currently not a way to do this, but this is on our short-term "todo" list, so it should fairly soon. Greg Greg Von Kuster Galaxy Development Team
ADD COMMENTlink written 8.5 years ago by Greg Von Kuster810
Can you direct me to the database table where I can hack this? (yes i know what i am doing :)) Cheers -- Dennis Gascoigne 0407 639 995
ADD REPLYlink written 8.5 years ago by Dennis Gascoigne30
I believe it is the library_dataset_dataset_association table that has the folder_id column in it. You'll need to look in thf folder table to get the folder id you want. And the library_dataset_dataset_association table should also have the name of the library _dataset. Greg Von Kuster Galaxy Development Team
ADD REPLYlink written 8.5 years ago by Greg Von Kuster810
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