Hi guys.
So I basically deposited my data (hg19 , .bam format) onto my local server and when i need to visualize it, it shows that i did not have the visualization tool as stated in the below link.
Referencing from https://wiki.galaxyproject.org/Admin/DataPreparation , under Bowtie and Tophat section, I followed the instruction and executed the command "bowtie-build -f hg19.fa hg19".
However, the error showed
Output files: "hg19.*.ebwt"
Line rate: 6 (line is 64 bytes)
Lines per side: 1 (side is 64 bytes)
Offset rate: 5 (one in 32)
FTable chars: 10
Strings: unpacked
Max bucket size: default
Max bucket size, sqrt multiplier: default
Max bucket size, len divisor: 4
Difference-cover sample period: 1024
Endianness: little
Actual local endianness: little
Sanity checking: disabled
Assertions: disabled
Random seed: 0
Sizeofs: void*:8, int:4, long:8, size_t:8
Input files DNA, FASTA:
Error: could not open hg19.fa
Total time for call to driver() for forward index: 00:00:00
Command: bowtie-build -f hg19.fa hg19
May I know what's the problem guys??