3.9 years ago by
United States
Galaxy is not a data repository specifically, more of an analysis tool kit. To obtain data, and you know the study of interest, it may well be in the EBI SRI repository. There is a tool under "Get Data" to import data from this source directly. That said, any data in a suitable format can be uploaded through the "Upload File" tool.
The UCSC Cancer browser is also a great resource. It makes use of both Galaxy and the core UCSC Genome browser resources, and has some customized analysis methods and tools for this type of work. https://genome-cancer.ucsc.edu/ Other public Galaxy browsers also have a cancer analysis focus.
There are also analysis resources in our wiki and at the main public Galaxy web site. See:
http://galaxyproject.org -> Learn -> Tutorials, Events, Train, Choices (other public Galaxy sites)
http://usegalaxy.org -> Pages
Hopefully this helps to get you started, Jen, Galaxy team