Question: Comparison of two proteomes
gravatar for katherinesubirana
4.1 years ago by
United States
katherinesubirana0 wrote:


I want to know if it is possible to compare two proteomes using Galaxy, and if so, which tool to use to perform the comparison.

Thank you

galaxy • 831 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 4.1 years ago by katherinesubirana0

Hi Katherine,

do you want to process RAW data or do you already have some protein lists?

Please also have a look at:


ADD REPLYlink written 4.1 years ago by Bjoern Gruening5.1k


I have a list of proteins with their sequences and I also have them fully characterized.

ADD REPLYlink written 4.1 years ago by katherinesubirana0
gravatar for Bjoern Gruening
4.1 years ago by
Bjoern Gruening5.1k
Bjoern Gruening5.1k wrote:

Than I think you can use Galaxy for your analysis very easily. I can try to help you more if you have some more concrete tasks/problems to solve. But Galaxy has a lot of tools to manipulate text/tabular files. Intersecting, comparing, counting and finally plotting ... :)

ADD COMMENTlink written 4.1 years ago by Bjoern Gruening5.1k
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