Question: How to deploy CloudMan in OpenStack?
gravatar for bananasplit1892
4.3 years ago by
bananasplit189210 wrote:

Is it possible to get CloudMan installed in a private OpenStack cloud? In several places it's mentioned that its possible, but I have not had much luck trying to do it.

Google has directed me to, and I tried it, but it seems to have lots of problems, notably it attempts to fetch files from webservers that don't exist. is available but it is a highly customized solution and I tried following from there but I got stuck trying to follow it, in particular attempting to find documentation on the configuration settings used in userdata-default.yaml

openstack cloud cloudman • 1.4k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.3 years ago • written 4.3 years ago by bananasplit189210
gravatar for Enis Afgan
4.3 years ago by
Enis Afgan690
United States
Enis Afgan690 wrote:

Improved documentation is on the todo list but even so, it's a fairly complex process that will take time and understanding of the overall process. So, in addition to what John has said, I can recommend reading this paper for the overall architectural concepts:

There's also this document as unofficial (and very unpolished, possibly out of date) deployment procedure that may be of help.

ADD COMMENTlink written 4.3 years ago by Enis Afgan690
gravatar for jmchilton
4.3 years ago by
United States
jmchilton1.1k wrote:

I should let someone actively working on CloudMan respond instead - but since I did spend a lot of time on this problem a while ago and I definitely shared your frustration - I will give you my entirely dated and unofficial answer.

Is it REALLY possible? It is certainly possible - I believe several institutions have gotten CloudMan up and running on OpenStack. For instance, runs on an OpenStack instance at the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (or at least it did when I worked there last fall). But that said - there wasn't much documentation available when I started that and the effort took a couple months and I landed up doing a lot of novel development to get it working. On the other hand - I did try to document things as a result and I had a pretty particular set of requirements (like not having volumes/cider available) that made it more difficult.

So possible? Yes. I still think it is an uphill battle though, if you stick with it I would expect to spend a lot of time looking at source code and figuring out processes that work for you. The lack of documentation is frustrating - but it stems in part from the fact that the process is constantly evolving even for AWS deployments.

More specifically, this work - - was largely super-ceded by my work on a CloudBioLinux Deployer ( I was definitely using the deployer to deploy fresh instances of CloudMan to OpenStack on a weekly basis for a while - but they were pretty specialized not the generic instructions for AWS found in To compound that lack of documentation, CloudMan and CloudBioLinux have evolved a lot since then so even what remains probably doesn't work.

You mentioned no documentation for userdata-default.yaml - that can be found in part here

ADD COMMENTlink written 4.3 years ago by jmchilton1.1k
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