Question: RNAseq analysis-paired samples
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4.4 years ago by
United States
tminning0 wrote:

We are trying to do an RNAseq analysis where there are two outcomes involving treatment of mice, looking at RNA levels in whole blood before and after treatment.  We have pre-treatment vs post-treatment (paired mouse samples) and the we want to look at the group of mice who were cured vs the group of mice that were not cured.  So far all I have been able to do is collecte all of the pre vs post (individual mouse) comparisons and then, offline by various means, try to compare the cured and not cured mice.  Is there a way to do cuffdiff where you can introduce that sort of second order relationship? pre/post cured vs pre/post not cured?

rna-seq • 970 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.4 years ago • written 4.4 years ago by tminning0
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4.4 years ago by
United States
tminning0 wrote:

I should mention that all of the mice were treated the same, in such a way that we expected about half of the mice to cure the infection.  It turns out 3 cured and 5 did not cure.

ADD COMMENTlink written 4.4 years ago by tminning0
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