Tutorial: How to set multiple parameters for a tool using the API
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4.5 years ago by
vaskin9030 wrote:

This is just an FYI post, because documentations, comments and old forum posts gave me not up-to-date information.

The old form that I found in documentations says that to set the parameters with the API, I should use the following form:

params = {TOOL_ID_IN_GALAXY: {'param': 'param_name', 'value': 'actual_value'}}

But this form allows passing only one parameter.

To set multiple parameters with the API I used the following form which worked for me:

params = {TOOL_ID_IN_GALAXY: {'param_name_1', 'actual_value_1', 'param_name_2', 'actual_value_2', ... }}


tutorial api • 1.1k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 4.5 years ago • written 4.5 years ago by vaskin9030
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