Question: Synonymous And Non-Synonymous Snps
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9.2 years ago by
Timothy Hughes30 wrote:
Hi, I have been taking a look at Galaxy and playing with it a bit. I have also watched several of the great tutorials. One that was particularly relevant to what I want to do was the one on SNPs. But, in addition to finding out what type of genomic region a SNP lies in e.g. intron or exon, I also want to determine, for SNPs that are in coding regions, whether they are snynonymous or non-synonymous. Is there a way of doing this in Galaxy? I have had a really good hunt in the Tools menus but I can't find anything. Any help much appreciated. Tim. -- Tim Hughes PhD ( Medical Genetics Department Oslo University Hospital Ullevĺl Kirkeveien 166 0407 Oslo Norway
galaxy • 1.1k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 9.2 years ago by Greg Von Kuster840 • written 9.2 years ago by Timothy Hughes30
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9.2 years ago by
Greg Von Kuster840 wrote:
Hello Tim, I have opened the following ticket in bitbucket for this question. You can "follow" the ticket in bitbucket if you want. Greg Von Kuster Galaxy Development Team
ADD COMMENTlink written 9.2 years ago by Greg Von Kuster840
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