Question: Gff Parsing With Biopython
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5.6 years ago by
Mic70 wrote:
Hi, I have the following GFF file from a SNAP X1 SNAP Einit 2579 2712 -3.221 + . X1-snap.1 X1 SNAP Exon 2813 2945 4.836 + . X1-snap.1 X1 SNAP Eterm 3013 3033 10.467 + . X1-snap.1 X1 SNAP Esngl 3457 3702 -17.856 + . X1-snap.2 X1 SNAP Einit 4901 4974 -4.954 + . X1-snap.3 X1 SNAP Eterm 5021 5150 14.231 + . X1-snap.3 X1 SNAP Einit 6245 7325 -1.525 - . X1-snap.4 X1 SNAP Eterm 5974 6008 5.398 - . X1-snap.4 With the code below I have tried to parse the above GFF file from BCBio import GFF from pprint import pprint from BCBio.GFF import GFFExaminer def retrieve_pred_genes_data(): with open("test/X1_small.snap.gff") as sf: #examiner = GFFExaminer() #pprint(examiner.available_limits(sf)) for rec in GFF.parse(sf): pprint(rec.description) pprint(rec.features) #pprint(rec.type) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute #pprint(rec.ref) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute #pprint(rec.ref_db) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute #pprint(rec.location) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute #pprint(rec.location_operator) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute #pprint(rec.strand) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute #pprint(rec.sub_features) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute retrieve_pred_genes_data() and got the following output: 'X1' '<unknown description="">' '<unknown name="">' [SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(2578), ExactPosition(2712), strand=1), type='Einit'), SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(2812), ExactPosition(2945), strand=1), type='Exon'), SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(3012), ExactPosition(3033), strand=1), type='Eterm'), SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(3456), ExactPosition(3702), strand=1), type='Esngl'), SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(4900), ExactPosition(4974), strand=1), type='Einit'), SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(5020), ExactPosition(5150), strand=1), type='Eterm'), SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(6160), ExactPosition(7325), strand=-1), type='Einit'), SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(5973), ExactPosition(6008), strand=-1), type='Eterm')] and with GFFExaminer I got these: {'gff_id': {('X1',): 8}, 'gff_source': {('SNAP',): 8}, 'gff_source_type': {('SNAP', 'Einit'): 3, ('SNAP', 'Esngl'): 1, ('SNAP', 'Eterm'): 3, ('SNAP', 'Exon'): 1}, 'gff_type': {('Einit',): 3, ('Esngl',): 1, ('Eterm',): 3, ('Exon',): 1}} I found these examples ( pools/blob/master/notes_on_GFF_parsing.txt), but I got these kind of errors: #pprint(rec.type) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute #pprint(rec.ref) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute #pprint(rec.ref_db) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute #pprint(rec.location) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute #pprint(rec.location_operator) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute #pprint(rec.strand) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute #pprint(rec.sub_features) #'SeqRecord' object has no attribute What did I do wrong and how is it possible to access all fields in the above GFF file? Thank you in advance. Mic
gff • 1.5k views
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