Question: Phyloviz And Problem Viewing Nexus And Newick Files
gravatar for Yvan Le Bras
5.7 years ago by
Yvan Le Bras10
Yvan Le Bras10 wrote:
Dear Galaxy users, I'm trying to view files from phylogenetics analyses in Newick or nexus formats. It seems that Phyloviz doesn't work since the last update of Galaxy. Can you inform me about this problem and the possibility to make Phyloviz working on a local instance? When I try on the main galaxy instance, I have the following error number: GURU MEDITATION: #1a7e2c6048fd4852ae09587cba0a09e8 Thank you very much for your help. Best Regards, Yvan -- Yvan Le Bras, PhD <°))))>< e-Biogenouest project CNRS UMR 6074 IRISA-INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex
galaxy • 920 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 5.7 years ago by James Taylor470 • written 5.7 years ago by Yvan Le Bras10
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5.7 years ago by
James Taylor470
United States
James Taylor470 wrote:
Hi, it appears the nexus file you are trying to visualize does not have any "trees" section, what does the newick format tree look like, and did these work before in Galaxy? If you could share the relevant history that would help. -- James Taylor, Assistant Professor, Biology/CS, Emory University
ADD COMMENTlink written 5.7 years ago by James Taylor470
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