Question: Seqpos Output Not Visible In Safari/Firefox/Chrome
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5.9 years ago by
Biswajyoti Sahu10 wrote:
Hello, I am using the Cistrome/Galaxy for the ChIP-seq analysis. Recently i am encountering two problems, first is with the Genomic interval operation where i am not able to intersect or subtract the bed files. Second is with the Seqpos motif tool. The Seqpos analysis runs fine, however when i try to visualize the Cistrome motifs it gives me a blank page with the following message: "Please use a frames compatible browser when viewing this output". I guess all the new browsers are frame compatible and in recent past i was able to visualize all the motifs and Seqpos output. The same is also happening with a colleague's computer. Looking forward to your response on this and any possible solution to overcome. Br, Sahu. Biswajyoti Sahu, Ph.D. Institute of Biomedicine, Physiology POB-63, Haartmaninkatu-8 FI-00014, University of Helsinki Helsinki, Finland Phone: +358 9 191 25297 Fax: +358 9 191 25302
chip-seq • 943 views
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