Question: How To Decide If The Deference Is Significant
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6.3 years ago by
Du, Jianguang380
Du, Jianguang380 wrote:
Dear All, I am looking for the deferential splicing events between cell types. I have run the Cuffdiff and I am going through the output file "splicing differential expression testing". I have read the documentation and protocols about how Cuffdiff test for differential expression and regulation. However although I know the changes in relative abundance are quantified by the square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence, I still could not understand the concept of it (unfortunately I am not good at math and statistics). Is there any way to convert "the square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence" into "fold of diference"? How much of "the square root of the Jensen-Shannon divergence" equals to 2 fold of difference? Thanks. Jianguang
rna-seq cuffdiff • 759 views
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