Question: Limitinternalrecursion
gravatar for Adhemar
6.3 years ago by
Adhemar50 wrote:
Hi, There's this error message in my apache log: [error] Request exceeded the limit of 10 subrequest nesting levels due to probable confguration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace., referer: ... When I turn the apache debug log on it also shows: [debug] core.c(3072): r->uri = /galaxy/proxy: http://localhost:8080/proxy:http://localhost:8080/proxy:http://localho st:8080/proxy:http://localhost:8080/proxy:http://localhost:8080/proxy: http://localhost:8080/proxy:http://localhost:8080/proxy:http://localho st:8080/proxy:http://localhost:8080/proxy:http://localhost:8080/root/h istory_item_updates, referer: ... It seems like mod_rewrite is somehow misconfigured, but I couldb't figure out what it is. Here is my httpd.con mod_rewrite conf: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/galaxy$ /galaxy/ [R] RewriteRule ^/galaxy/static/style/(.*) /opt/bioinformatics/share/galaxy- central/static/june_2007_style/blue/$1 [L] RewriteRule ^/galaxy/static/scripts/(.*) /opt/bioinformatics/share/galaxy-central/static/scripts/packed/$1 [L] RewriteRule ^/galaxy/static/(.*) /opt/bioinformatics/share/galaxy-central/static/$1 [L] RewriteRule ^/galaxy/favicon.ico /opt/bioinformatics/share/galaxy-central/static/favicon.ico [L] RewriteRule ^/galaxy/robots.txt /opt/bioinformatics/share/galaxy-central/static/robots.txt [L] RewriteRule ^/galaxy(.*) http://localhost:8080$1 [P] Could you please help me to debug this? Thank you, Adhemar
galaxy • 1.2k views
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