Question: Fixed Parts Inside Workflows
gravatar for Saadeh, Heba
6.9 years ago by
Saadeh, Heba10
Saadeh, Heba10 wrote:
Dear All, I used to work with galaxy web site gladly, until I need to apply one workflow with (tens of join operations) on tens of datasets. so the problem is that if I need to run the workflow, each time I need to indicate the input datasets for each join operation and that is not interesting at all, and very time consuming. "although they are the same for each input file, in theory what I need to change is only the main input file, and leave the other files of the join operations the same, sound easy :)". I have read the comments for the "Workflows & Multiple datasets" post, on "how to run a workflow for multiple input files", and its now only working on galaxy-central, which I downloaded and used and it works fine and will solve one side of my problem the remaining will be with the fixed part inside the workflow. One last comment: the folder uploading functionality in galaxy-central is not working properly with me, the process continue until running the "uploading commands" but the files are all with 0 size, the same process on galaxy-dist works well... Much appreciated, heba Heba Saadeh Ph.D. Student Dept. of Medical and Molecular Genetics, Medicine School, King's College London, Guy's Hospital, 8th floor Tower Wing, London, SE1 9RT. Office: +44(0)20 7188 3715 ________________________________________ To: Dannon Baker Cc: Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] Workflows & Multiple datasets I already tested and it's working like a charm. Thank you very much Dannon. -Adhemar 2011/12/19 Dannon Baker <<>> Ahh, I should have specified, that changeset is in the galaxy-central repository and has not been moved to galaxy-dist yet. I think we're testing a few more things, but this should happen in the near future, at which point you could simply update from galaxy-dist as usual, or you could pull directly from galaxy-central right now if you'd like. -Dannon
galaxy • 650 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 6.9 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 6.9 years ago by Saadeh, Heba10
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6.9 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hi Heba, I wanted to follow up on this. Apologies, but I became a bit lost about where this problem is occurring. Is this in your local install, using a galaxy-central pull? When was the last pull? Is the problem resolved now? Curious to know if this is something we need to be aware of as an open issue or not. If so, I'd like to have it clarified and open a bitbucket ticket to track a (potential) future correction. Any specific details that you could provide would be appreciated (including a use case or public history/workflow shared link). Thank you for the feedback! Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 6.9 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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