Question: Cluster Install
gravatar for Joshua Udall
7.1 years ago by
Joshua Udall10
Joshua Udall10 wrote:
Dear Galaxy - We would like to install and instance of Galaxy on our campus cluster. The install process looks very straight forward, but tying it in with our authentication system for the current, functioning cluster may not be as simple. It appears that galaxy is easy to install if there are limited users on a local machine or on a cluster where galaxy is the main use of the cluster (so it handles all the user accounts). Where would I direct our IT admin group to get more assistance with customizing the authentication process with our existing, function cluster? -- Joshua Udall Assistant Professor 295 WIDB Plant and Wildlife Science Dept. Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602 801-422-9307 Fax: 801-422-0008 USA
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