Question: Falling Back To Text For Tool Descriptions
gravatar for James Casbon
10.1 years ago by
James Casbon370
James Casbon370 wrote:
Hi guys, I would like to be able to copy in a man page (or similar) to a tool's help file. At the moment, this fails due to the requirement for ReST. How falling back to wrapping the text in a

galaxy-dist james$ hg diff lib/galaxy/tools/
diff -r d2c5b964e635 lib/galaxy/tools/
+++ b/lib/galaxy/tools/      Mon Oct 27 11:28:01 2008 +0000
@@ -419,6 +419,7 @@
        = util.rst_to_html(
                 log.exception( "error in help for tool %s" % )
+       = "
" % # Multiple help page case if help_pages: for help_page in help_pages: cheers, James
galaxy • 462 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 10.1 years ago by James Taylor70 • written 10.1 years ago by James Casbon370
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10.1 years ago by
James Taylor70
James Taylor70 wrote:
James, As an alternative, how about a "format=" attribute for the help tag? This would allow supporting text, raw html, markdown, and other options. Also, a "file=" attribute for reading the help from a file would probably make sense. Would this work for you? -- jt
ADD COMMENTlink written 10.1 years ago by James Taylor70
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