Question: Patch: Use Xml Includes When Parsing Xml
gravatar for James Casbon
10.2 years ago by
James Casbon370
James Casbon370 wrote:
Hi, I have inlined a patch that allows xinclude statements in xml files. I presume I cannot send attachments to the list? Motivation: I have my own tools I am developing managed in tools/my_tools. I want to version that directory, etc, but want to be able to include new tools without editing the tools_conf.xml in galaxy_dist each time which would not get versioned. Solution: use xinclude to include an xml file that contains tool definitions. Example tool_conf.xml: <toolbox xmlns:xi="&lt;a href=" http:="""" 2001="" XInclude"="" rel="nofollow">"> .... <xi:include href="tools/my_tools/tool_conf.xml" parse="xml"/> </toolbox> Patch below, cheers, James ============== diff -r 3b6771227a43 lib/galaxy/util/ +++ b/lib/galaxy/util/ Mon Sep 29 15:50:20 2008 +0100 @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from galaxy.util.docutils_ext.htmlfrag import Writer as HTMLFragWriter pkg_resources.require( 'elementtree' ) -from elementtree import ElementTree +from elementtree import ElementTree, ElementInclude log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _lock = threading.RLock() @@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ def parse_xml(fname): """Returns an parsed xml tree""" tree = ElementTree.parse(fname) + root = tree.getroot() + ElementInclude.include(root) return tree def xml_to_string(elem): ================
galaxy • 733 views
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