Question: Server Error
gravatar for Karthik R Padmanabhan
7.2 years ago by
Karthik R Padmanabhan10 wrote:
Hello, I am currently experiencing a server error (see below): Server Error An error occurred. See the error logs for more information. (Turn debug on to display exception reports here) Kindly take a look. Thanks. -- Regards, Karthik R. Padmanabhan
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.2 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 7.2 years ago by Karthik R Padmanabhan10
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
7.2 years ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:
Hello Karthik, Are you still running into this problem (is it reproducible)? If so, would you be able to provide a few more details? - Are you using the main public Galaxy instance at ? - Are you logged in as a user or a guest ? - What are the exact steps that lead to this error? - It may be most helpful to explain the steps and share a link to your history so that we can follow them exactly. Do this by using "Options -> Share or Publish", generating a link, then emailing it back to me directly (no cc to the mailing list, to keep your data private). Or, you can share the history with just me using my email address. In your email back with the other details, please note the name of the history so that I can locate it, if you use that method. Hopefully we can sort out the root cause of the problem, Best, Jen Galaxy team -- Jennifer Jackson
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.2 years ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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