Question: Add CTAT tools to Galaxy main?
gravatar for asmariyaz23
2 days ago by
United States
asmariyaz2310 wrote:


We have recently put all our CTAT tools into Galaxy toolshed and I would like to know what is the procedure of integrating these tools with Galaxy main.

To know more about them please visit:

Thank you Asma

rna-seq galaxy • 18 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 1 day ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k • written 2 days ago by asmariyaz2310
gravatar for Jennifer Hillman Jackson
1 day ago by
United States
Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k wrote:

Hello Asma,

TCAT Tool suite details I found:

To have these tools considered for addition to Galaxy Main, please create an issue ticket at this Galaxy Project repository:

In the ticket, please include links to the specific TCAT tools/revision repositories in the ToolShed that are part of the updated release bundle (adding what I found above, and please make corrections where needed). In particular, please add in links to the matched Data Manager tools required to set up the reference data used by these tools. The more details provided, the more straightforward this will be to review.

Our team will follow up with you at GH in the request ticket created. If you want to have these published at all usegalaxy.* servers, including Galaxy EU and Galaxy AU, please also note that. We can help to ping the admins of those servers in the same ticket to make them aware of the request.

Usage help: It looks like the associated GH wiki is out of date and is linked from the tool forms in the help sections. The wiki should be current before publishing the updated tools (if actually needed, I see older tool revision in the screenshots but that doesn't necessarily mean it is truly outdated, you'll know better). Then, please consider mirroring the protocol in a Galaxy Training Network (GTN) tutorial that includes an example workflow: Or, create something simple like this GTN tutorial that links to an external wiki with the procedure how-to that includes sample data, usage guide, support contact, and workflow(s): Contact the GTN at Gitter to coordinate, as this may need a distinct tutorial category, but we can discuss that.

Include a link to this post in the GH ticket, and post back a link to the GH ticket as a comment here at Biostars. But, let's have the follow-up chat about details at GH and Gitter.

Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team

ADD COMMENTlink written 1 day ago by Jennifer Hillman Jackson25k
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