News: Galaxy 18.09 Release
gravatar for Dannon Baker
4 weeks ago by
Dannon Baker3.7k
United States
Dannon Baker3.7k wrote:

We are pleased to announce the release of Galaxy 18.09. A few release highlights are:

Extensive Workflow Enhancements

Workflows got a lot of love this time around, with new runtime parameters for subworkflows, exposed workflow versions, and zoom capability in the editor, to name a few. There were also a number of usability enhancements including better labeling, links, overhauled workflow import interfaces, and many more.

Group Tags

Galaxy now contains powerful new features for multiple factor analysis of collections of datasets. The concept of group tags has been added to Galaxy. These are a special class of tags that describe key-value pairs that can be attached to the contents of a collection during upload or using collection operation tools. These tags can describe multiple sets of variables for the contents of a collection. Once set, these tags can be consumed intelligently by tools that need to divide collections into multiple overlapping factors or sets of datasets. A special thanks to @mvdbeek for devising and implementing this approach.

Python 3 Beta Support

After almost 3 years of work and more than 100 pull requests, we are proud to announce the Beta-stage support for running Galaxy under Python 3. Lint, unit, API, framework, integration and Selenium tests all pass, time for you to give it a try and report any bug you find!

Please see the full release notes ( for more information, including how to upgrade today!

Thanks for using Galaxy!

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