5 weeks ago by
United States
Hi Olga,
The tool is accessing an incorrect reference data table to retrieve the indexes (and is why there are only those two -- both involved special handling/data tables).
I'll need to report this to the developers to get it corrected at the source, update the tool, update the servers, etc. This will take some time. Galaxy EU https://usegalaxy.eu/ also has a limited number of genomes (and not the ones you wish to use). Galaxy Australia https://usegalaxy.org.au/ has the same content as Galaxy Main, so is not an alternative either. The correction will need to be applied to all.
Please use the custom genomes from the history for now. If you need more quota space to accommodate them, please send an email from your registered account email address to galaxy-bugs@lists.galaxyproject.org that includes a link to the post and we can grant you a bit more.
FAQ: Preparing and using a Custom Reference Genome or Build https://galaxyproject.org/learn/custom-genomes/
Thanks for reporting this -- it hadn't been noticed earlier for this tool suite but I recognize the root problem from a prior, similar tool correction that also involved adjusting the index table referenced by the tool wrapper itself.
Best, Jen, Galaxy team