Question: Exome Anylisis By Galaxy
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7.4 years ago by
Eduardo Calpena10 wrote:
Hello everyone, I am a new user of Galaxy. I have received the data from an exome of 4 samples. I have two reads from each sample. I have seen the Live Quickies, and I have a general idea that I want to do. I want to find every change in the exome of these samples. Then apply a filter to discard all the known SNPs. Finally I want to keep only the changes that are in common in the four samples and apply a scoring of possible pathogenic mutations (PhiloP, SIFT,…). Is it possible? Anybody can help me by sending me a step by step protocol of how can I do this analysis? And another question, could I do all these previous steps with each individual, independently, or should I do it with the four samples at the same time? Thanks to all of you. I look forward to hearing from you. Edu _ _ Eduardo Calpena Corpas, PhD Student Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia (IBV-CSIC) C/Jaime Roig Nº 11 Valencia. E-46010 (SPAIN). TEL: +34 96 339 1760. FAX:(+34) 96 369 0800
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