5 months ago by
United States
It looks like the BLASTN job failed, so that cannot be used as input Star-Fusion. My guess is that the failure is due to the fasta identifier lines containing description content (is not formatted correctly for a custom genome).
Also, the fasta reference supplied does not appear to be based on the same rat genome/build as the reference annotation dataset, so even if you had BLASTN succeed, a genome mismatch problem would later come up with Star-Fusion.
The genes.gft
annotation you is from iGenomes and from one of the UCSC builds they host (rn4
, rn5
, or rn6
) -- correct? These genome build/versions are all natively indexed for Star-Fusion already at Galaxy Main https://usegalaxy.org, so there is no need to do the BLASTN step.
Solution: Use the option Source for sequence to search > Locally cashed sequences and set the rnX
version to be the same genome build/version as the source for the genes.gtf
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Thanks! Jen, Galaxy team