Question: Galaxy Has A New Wiki
gravatar for Dave Clements
7.4 years ago by
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k
United States
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k wrote:
Hello all, It is my pleasure to announce that Galaxy has a new wiki: This wiki contains all the content from the old bitbucket wiki, plus a bunch of new content (most of which is still work in progress). The new wiki is based on MoinMoin and includes several new or improved features: * Search! * an automatically generated list of all pages (click on All Pages in sidebar) * Ability to upload files and images without using Mercurial. * plus a lot more The content, organization, and look and feel haven't entirely settled yet, so expect things to move around for a bit. You don't need any special knowledge to read the wiki. If you want to update the wiki you'll need to create a login (click on the Login link). Anyone can create a login, but you will need to answer a random (but hopefully easy) question about Galaxy to do so*. You can use either MoinMoin markup or Creole markup (but not both on the same page). We are hoping that the new wiki will be both much easier to use and to update than the old one. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me or to the list as appropriate. Look for more emails as more features in the wiki become fully functional. Thanks, Dave C. * And you will be asked to answer questions every time you update pages. If you get tired of this (and you will), please send me your wiki login and I will make those annoying (but spam-preventing) questions go away. --
galaxy • 814 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.4 years ago by Ravi Madduri60 • written 7.4 years ago by Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k
gravatar for Ravi Madduri
7.4 years ago by
Ravi Madduri60
Ravi Madduri60 wrote:
Very nice ! Thanks. -- Ravi K Madduri The Globus Alliance | Argonne National Laboratory | University of Chicago
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.4 years ago by Ravi Madduri60
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