Question: Weblogo Results Empty
gravatar for Holger Klein
7.4 years ago by
Holger Klein50
Holger Klein50 wrote:
Dear all, I have a problem with the weblogo tool. I have a clustalw alignment in fasta format that I'd like to visualize as a logo. The sequence logo module ends with a success (green box), the info tells me the amount and length of the input data. But the output is empty, there are no plots (no matter if I select jpg, png, pdf or text). The respective image can't be displayed "because it contains errors" or is empty in case of text. I suspect that the actual call of the weblogo tool doesn't succeed, but I didn't figure out yet on how to check this. Does anybody have hints on where to look? Cheers, Holger -- Dr. Holger Klein Core Facility Bioinformatics Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB) Tel: +49(6131) 39 21511
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.4 years ago by fubar1.1k • written 7.4 years ago by Holger Klein50
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7.4 years ago by
fubar1.1k wrote:
Hi, Holger, Thanks for reporting this. We might need some more information to sort this out. Is this error seen on Galaxy main or test? If so please share the history with me so I can see the input and reproduce what sounds like a wrapper error? Otherwise, if this is on a private instance, and if the tool has never produced output successfully, then this may be a dependency installation problem - eg you may need to ensure that the weblogo3 executable is available and working correctly on the path used by your execution nodes. To assure yourself that your data works with the tool, please try running it on main using the same data, and let me know what you see? Thanks again. -- Ross Lazarus MBBS MPH; Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School; Director of Bioinformatics, Channing Lab; Tel: +1 617 505 4850; Head, Medical Bioinformatics, BakerIDI; Tel: +61 385321444;
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.4 years ago by fubar1.1k
Hi Ross, thanks for taking care of this issue. in fact it's a private instance of galaxy, it's the latest version of galaxy-dist (hg summary: 5743:720455407d1c). The input data is fine, it's a clustalw alignment in fasta format which can be used by the weblogo module on galaxy main. Maybe some background info on the weblogo installation helps: it's located below the tool_dependency_dir as defined in universe_wsgi.ini in weblogo/3.0 (with default as a link to 3.0). It contains the file which sets the PATH: export PATH=/home/galaxy/dependencies/weblogo/3.0:$PATH Starting the weblogo executable with the galaxy virtualenv python seems to work (just tested --help), although it returns a warning: ~/python/bin/python ./weblogo --help/home/galaxy/python/lib/python2.6/site- packages/CoreBio-0.5.0-py2.6.egg/corebio/seq_io/_nexus/ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated import sets I also tested putting a link to the weblogo executable in the PATH that's defined for the galaxy user (as opposed to the dependency dir mechanism, that I have to admit I don't fully understand yet), but that also doesn't work. Could this be an issue of PYTHONPATH needing to be adjusted? Regards, Holger -- Dr. Holger Klein Core Facility Bioinformatics Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB) Tel: +49(6131) 39 21511
ADD REPLYlink written 7.4 years ago by Holger Klein50
Thanks for your input and patience, Holger! Please try the new version 0.4 of the weblogo wrapper in galaxy-central #5772 - it has additional error reporting that may help clarify dependency or other problems and let me know how you go?
ADD REPLYlink written 7.4 years ago by fubar1.1k
Hi Ross, thanks, with the new version I get some more hints. It seems that there is a problem with the path. Just having weblogo installed in the dependency directory and using the mechanism to set the path, the wrapper doesn't find the executable at all: ## error - cannot locate the weblogo binary weblogo on the current path ## Please ensure it is installed and working from When I put a soft link to a directory which is in the galaxy user's static path, I get a different error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/local/data/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/tools/rgenetics/", line 156, in checks,s = File "/local/data/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/tools/rgenetics/", line 127, in run s = self.runCL() File "/local/data/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/tools/rgenetics/", line 47, in runCL print >> sys.stderr, '## error - executing %s returned error code %d' % cl TypeError: not enough arguments for format string Line 47 seems to lack the variable for the return code, when changing the line to print >> sys.stderr, '## error - executing %s returned error code %d' % (cl, rval) I get the following message: ## error - executing weblogo -F png -c auto -o /local/data/galaxy_files/000/dataset_304.dat -U bits -t "Galaxy-Rgenetics Sequence Logo" -f /local/data/galaxy_files/000/dataset_286.dat -s large returned error code 1 ## This may be a data problem or a tool dependency (weblogo) installation problem ## Please ensure weblogo is correctly installed and working on the command line -see So it still seems to boil down to my local weblogo installation. Sourcing the respective and executing the above command line, I get a valid png though (again with the warning mentioned before): galaxy@imbc1:~/tmp/1$ source ~/dependencies/weblogo/default/ galaxy@imbc1:~/tmp/1$ weblogo -F png -c auto -o /local/data/galaxy_files/000/dataset_304.dat -U bits -t "Galaxy-Rgenetics Sequence Logo" -f /local/data/galaxy_files/000/dataset_286.dat -s large /home/galaxy/python/lib/python2.6/site- packages/CoreBio-0.5.0-py2.6.egg/corebio/seq_io/_nexus/ DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated import sets Could this be related to the way galaxy is setting the paths dynamically using the file? Do I have to adjust python paths in there as well? Regards, Holger -- Dr. Holger Klein Core Facility Bioinformatics Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB) Tel: +49(6131) 39 21511
ADD REPLYlink written 7.4 years ago by Holger Klein50
Holger, thanks for finding those errors - I'll take a look shortly. What's the 'dependency directory' ? I don't think the wrapper knows anything about it. The tool assumes that the weblogo script is on the path when the actual job starts executing - wherever that is. If the weblogo script produces output it must be on the path after you source that script and working I think. So, the environment on the execution node must include the relevant path. Otherwise it won't work. What path does the execution host get when a galaxy job is run? Does it include the right path to that weblogo script (marked executable)? Can the user each job runs as execute it? -- Ross Lazarus MBBS MPH; Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School; Director of Bioinformatics, Channing Lab; Tel: +1 617 505 4850; Head, Medical Bioinformatics, BakerIDI; Tel: +61 385321444;
ADD REPLYlink written 7.4 years ago by fubar1.1k
Hi Ross, it's defined in universe_wsgi.ini: # The directory containing tool dependencies tool_dependency_dir = /local/data/home/galaxy/dependencies We only recently installed galaxy locally, and Nate pointed me towards this way to handle external tool dependencies. This issue here is related: in-the-tool-configs Until now when tools didn't work with that mechanism (CCAT, clustalw) I simply put a link into a directory which is in galaxy's path. I got a step further. The above mentioned mechanism with putting a link to the weblogo executable simply into the path didn't work, because the weblogo script uses the system-wide python (from #!/usr/bin/env python) which doesn't have the corebio module installed. When changing the interpreter to #!/home/galaxy/python/bin/python (galaxy-specific virtualenv) it works. Somehow I just assumed that with setting the PYTHON variable in the startup script would be sufficient. So, now it works, but I wonder if there's a mechanism that is cleaner than hard-coding the python interpreter? Is there a way to tell galaxy or wrapper scripts to use a specific python version? Regards, Holger -- Dr. Holger Klein Core Facility Bioinformatics Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB) Tel: +49(6131) 39 21511
ADD REPLYlink written 7.4 years ago by Holger Klein50
AFAIK, the requirements stuff is still work in progress? Yes, of course you're right - there has to be a better way - particularly where there are complex inter-dependencies like weblogo/python/corebio -- Ross Lazarus MBBS MPH; Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School; Director of Bioinformatics, Channing Lab; Tel: +1 617 505 4850; Head, Medical Bioinformatics, BakerIDI; Tel: +61 385321444;
ADD REPLYlink written 7.4 years ago by fubar1.1k
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