I recently installed a local galaxy. I want to distribute jobs to local (as default and run in headnode) or to a sge cluster. The job_conf.xml was configured as:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- A sample job config that explicitly configures job running the way it is configured by default (if there is no explicit config). -->
<plugin id="local" type="runner" load="galaxy.jobs.runners.local:LocalJobRunner" workers="4"/>
<plugin id="drmaa_default" type="runner" load="galaxy.jobs.runners.drmaa:DRMAAJobRunner" />
<destinations default="local">
<destination id="local" runner="local">
<param id="local_slots">2
<destination id="sge_default" runner="drmaa_default">
<param id="nativeSpecification">-pe shared 4 -l highp -l h_rt=24:00:00
<tool id="tophat" destination="sge_default" />
<tool id="bowtie2" destination="sge_default" />
<tool id="bowtie_wrapper" destination="sge_default" />
<tool id="bwa_wrapper" destination="sge_default" />
The jobs submitted to default/local worked well, but jobs to sge_default cannot be pushed to the queuing system.
For example, after tophat was submitted, a job script galaxy_id.sh) can be found in database/jobs_directory. But, I cannot see it in sge queuing system (using qstat command). There is no script found in database/pbs directory as in the old galaxy system.
Where should I look at to solve the issue or any misconfiguration in job_conf.xml file?
Thank you for your help!