Question: Extract Genomic Dna Problem
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7.5 years ago by
Steve Taylor240
Steve Taylor240 wrote:
Hi, I was trying to extract FASTA sequences using the following tab separated data for Chicken on the Galaxy Main server: chr5 47258168 47259240 chr18 1938527 1939965 chr2 101973625 101974007 chr4 75653898 75674045 chr19 4258837 4263299 chr4 39330049 39372715 chr4 9606881 9610083 chr15 7264937 7265599 chr21 6659189 6667015 chr2 351239 352821 I got the following galaxy output: ==================================== 7: Extract Genomic DNA on data 6 empty format: fasta, database: galGal3 Info: 10 warnings, 1st is: Unable to fetch the sequence from '47258168' to '1072' for build 'galGal3'. Skipped 10 invalid lines, 1st is #1, "chr5 47258168 47259240" Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks, Steve
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