Question: [Fwd: Re: Error Occurred When Converting The Solid Output To Fastq]
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7.5 years ago by
Penn State
Anton Nekrutenko1.7k wrote:
Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] error occurred when converting the SOLID output to fastq Date: Wed, June 8, 2011 5:48 pm To: "Anton Nekrutenko" <> Dear Anton, Thank you very much! I re-uploaded the input file this Monday and galaxy now can work well with the data. I guess the corrupted input file is due to some problem when I uploaded them via FTP software at the first time. :) Best regards, Sincerely, Jia-Xing -- Jia-Xing Yue Graduate Student Putnam Lab Ecology & Evolutionary Bio. -MS 170 Rice University 6100 Main Street Houston TX 77005 Phone: 1-832-360-6228 E-mail: Blog: Specifically, you _F3 files are out of sync. One of the reads in csfasta file: 30 29 32 22 32 32 31 31 26 33 32 30 30 30 28 26 28 28 28 33 25 24 31 13 30 21 7 14 30 30 29 32 22 32 32 31 31 26 33 32 30 30 30 28 26 28 28 28 33 25 24 31 13 30 21 7 14 30 converted into fastq without explicit identifier matching. Please, check that your input csfasta and QUAL files have exactly the same number of non-comment lines. complained the following error. Does anybody know why>> "/galaxy/home/g2main/galaxy_main/tools/next_gen_conversion/solid2fastq .py", line 207, in <module> "/galaxy/home/g2main/galaxy_main/tools/next_gen_conversion/solid2fastq .py", line 188, in main "/galaxy/home/g2main/galaxy_main/tools/next_gen_conversion/solid2fastq .py", line 207, in "/galaxy/home/g2main/galaxy_main/tools/next_gen_conversion/solid2fastq .py", line 188, in main, trim_first_base=options.trim_first_base, min_qual=options.min_qual, table_name="f3" ) "/galaxy/home/g2main/galaxy_main/tools/next_gen_conversion/solid2fastq .py", line 83, in merge_reads_qual defline, lines[0], qual ) )
galaxy • 857 views
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