Question: Follow The 2011 Galaxy Community Conference On Twitter
gravatar for Dave Clements
7.5 years ago by
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k
United States
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k wrote:
Hello all, The 2011 Galaxy Community Conference starts in about 10 hours with the sold out Introduction to Galaxy session, and then gets fully rolling Wednesday morning with the main meeting. See the schedule ( for full details. If you want to follow the meeting on Twitter, we are encouraging copious tweeting by participants using the #usegalaxy hashtag. You can follow at!/search/%23usegalaxy or In addition, NBIC, the conference host, is also sponsoring the videotaping of all 23 talks. These will be placed online after the conference and will be open to anyone. We have 148 registered attendees (about twice as many as last year) form 19 countries (6 continents!) Well over 100 different organizations will have representatives at the meeting. I'm expecting great things. Thanks, Dave C --
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