Question: Galaxy Community Conference Registration Closes May 17
gravatar for Dave Clements
7.6 years ago by
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k
United States
Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k wrote:
Hello all, We are closing registrations for the Galaxy Community Conference at the end of May 17. However, the conference is likely to fill up before that date. So, if you are thinking about attending, *now* is the time to register for the meeting: We have also secured some additional rooms on the night of May 24, in a hotel in Lunteren: Again, it is not necessary to stay in Lunteren the night of May 24, as it is easy to get there from Amsterdam on May 25, before the meeting starts. Finally, a draft schedule is now available at: This is still subject to change, but we are hoping it won't change much. Just 15 days to go! Dave C. --
galaxy • 579 views
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