Hi. I'm doing RNA-seq analysis for the first time and want to upload the hg19 genome from 1000 Genomes (human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz) to Galaxy so that I can then use the concatenate tool to append the fasta file from my ERCC spike-in controls (ERCC92.fa) to the genome file prior to doing alignment of my RNA-seq data. For some reason Galaxy doesn't seem to recognise the .fasta.gz genome file I've uploaded and so won't decompress it. Any ideas how to solve this?
Also, am I meant to also upload a .gtf file for the genome? I found GENODE's file gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.gz and so am hoping this will work OK. I was planning to use this to concatenate with the ERCC92.gtf file I have.
Thanks for any advice!