Question: Toolshed tool installed but missing
gravatar for i-guigon
17 months ago by
i-guigon80 wrote:

Hello everyone

I've created a Docker image which contains a Galaxy + some tools installed from the toolshed (main) and some manually installed tools. Everything works fine.

I've pulled my docker image on several virtual machines (all are Ubuntu 16) (we'll need this for a training). My 3 first VMs are OK but on the last VMs I created, the tool CEAS (installed from the toolshed) does not appear in the tool panel.

The docker image is the same on all my VMs, all VMs have the same config, on all VMs the file "shed_tool_conf.xml" is the same and CEAS is present, but on my last VMs in the file "integrated_tool_panel.xml" the section "CEAS" is empty. It contains :

<section id="ceas" name="CEAS" version="">

instead of

<section id="ceas" name="CEAS" version="">
    <tool id="" />

on the "good" VMs.

I've stopped and started a container from this Docker image several times without success. I've deleted the VM and started a new one several times still without success. I've run a docker container in interactive mode and checked the log files but I couldn't find a clue about a problem with CEAS.

I have other tools installed from the toolshed, they work fine.

If you have any idea of what the problem might be please let me know.

toolshed ceas galaxy docker • 426 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 1 day ago by oliver.steadman0 • written 17 months ago by i-guigon80

Any luck in solving this isue?

ADD REPLYlink written 11 months ago by Coryzaa10
gravatar for i-guigon
11 months ago by
i-guigon80 wrote:

Hello. It was probably a temporary problem with CEAS itself. Back then when I tried to install CEAS on another Galaxy instance with the admin panel, it failed. And right now I just created a Galaxy instance from my Docker container and CEAS is present.

ADD COMMENTlink written 11 months ago by i-guigon80
gravatar for oliver.steadman
1 day ago by
oliver.steadman0 wrote:

I also see this behaviour for standard tools (ie from Galaxy Main repository) AntiSmash and FastTree, when trying to install them to customised local instance. I will post here if I figure out what's making them fail (ie not appear).

ADD COMMENTlink written 1 day ago by oliver.steadman0
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