Question: Tophat is not anymore among the galaxy tools
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18 months ago by
franklin_moreno0 wrote:

I have been using tophat to quantify sequences in my RNAseq analysis along this year.. But today, Tophat is not under the RNA analysis tools in Galaxy... Does sb know what happened w/ tophat? Is it in maintainance? Is it going to be included soon? Or.. if not, what other tool should I use to keep the consistency of my results.. I mean, some of my results are Tophat outputs..

Thanks so much!

rna-seq tophat • 319 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 18 months ago by Devon Ryan1.9k • written 18 months ago by franklin_moreno0
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18 months ago by
Devon Ryan1.9k
Devon Ryan1.9k wrote:

Please see here. In short, switch to hisat2 or STAR (the indices aren't ready yet, so you have to provide a fasta file).

ADD COMMENTlink written 18 months ago by Devon Ryan1.9k
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