Question: Deseq2 transcript list classification
gravatar for r.saleh
18 months ago by
r.saleh0 wrote:

Hi everybody, I did RNA-seq on mouse stem cells and i got a list of differentially expressed transcripts using deseq2 package. I am struggling in finding, within my gene list, the number of transcripts that encode genes, predicted genes and non-coding RNAs..I tried using UCSC table browser, but didn't succeed. Can anyone help?

ADD COMMENTlink modified 18 months ago by Devon Ryan1.9k • written 18 months ago by r.saleh0
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18 months ago by
Devon Ryan1.9k
Devon Ryan1.9k wrote:

The general strategy would be to go to biomart and create a table of "Transcript type" and ID (whatever you used) pairs, which you could then merge and count in Galaxy.

ADD COMMENTlink written 18 months ago by Devon Ryan1.9k
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