Question: Canvas html output
gravatar for SHAUN WEBB
18 months ago by
SHAUN WEBB70 wrote:

I have installed MEME from the Galaxy toolshed in my own instance, the tool appears to run fine but I am having trouble displaying the html output properly. It looks fine if I download the file and open in Chrome. I get an error saying "Your browser does not support canvas!", so I'm guessing I'm missing something from my Galaxy setup. I am running the latest stable release. I'd appreciate any help on where to get started with this.

enter image description here

html meme canvas galaxy • 391 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 18 months ago • written 18 months ago by SHAUN WEBB70
gravatar for Dannon Baker
18 months ago by
Dannon Baker3.7k
United States
Dannon Baker3.7k wrote:

Hi Shaun,

As a security measure preventing execution of arbitrary JavaScript code, by default galaxy sanitizes displayed contents. You can disable this completely with the 'sanitize_all_html' configuration option in your galaxy.ini, or Galaxy also supports an internal 'whitelist' of tools which are allowed to display unsanitized content. You can reach this whitelist through the Admin panel at "Manage Display Whitelist".

ADD COMMENTlink written 18 months ago by Dannon Baker3.7k
gravatar for SHAUN WEBB
18 months ago by
SHAUN WEBB70 wrote:

Thanks, that was an easy fix!

ADD COMMENTlink written 18 months ago by SHAUN WEBB70
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