Question: Trim Galore version - Adapter sequence
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19 months ago by
gupta30 wrote:


I have been using Galaxy's Trim galore for clipping adapters from Illumina small RNA sequences. While using automatic adapter detection, I noticed that the adapter being removed is 'ATGGAATTCTCG'. However, in Trim galore's change log from 2015 it is mentioned:

12-11-15: Version 0.4.1 released: Essential update for smallRNA libraries!

Changed the Illumina small RNA sequence used for auto-detection to 'TGGAATTCTCGG' (from formerly 'ATGGAATTCTCG'). The reason for this is that smallRNA libraries have ssRNA adapters ligated to their -OH end, a signature of dicer cleavage, so there is no A-tailing involved.

Can this be please corrected? Meanwhile, is it fine if we perform 'user defined adapter trimming' by providing the sequence 'TGGAATTCTCGG' manually?

Thank you. PG

ADD COMMENTlink modified 19 months ago • written 19 months ago by gupta30
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