Question: history created with api does not appear in GUI
gravatar for eric
21 months ago by
UC Berkeley
eric0 wrote:

History created with API does not appear in GUI

I recently installed Version 17.01. I never had a problem in 16.x

Any idea why?

enter image description here

GET /api/histories 
    name: 'My History',
    tags: [],
    deleted: false,
    purged: false,
    annotation: null,
    url: '/api/histories/1cd8e2f6b131e891',
    published: false,
    model_class: 'History',
    id: '1cd8e2f6b131e891' 
    name: 'Unnamed history',
    tags: [],
    deleted: false,
    purged: false,
    annotation: null,
    url: '/api/histories/f597429621d6eb2b',
    published: false,
    model_class: 'History',
    id: 'f597429621d6eb2b' 
software error • 393 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 21 months ago by eric0
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