Question: Recall: Upload File Size And User Authorization
gravatar for Paul-Michael Agapow
7.7 years ago by
Paul-Michael Agapow120 wrote:
Paul-Michael Agapow would like to recall the message, "[galaxy-user] Upload file size and user authorization". ********************************************************************** **** The information contained in the EMail and any attachments is confidential and intended solely and for the attention and use of the named addressee(s). It may not be disclosed to any other person without the express authority of the HPA, or the intended recipient, or both. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not disclose, copy, distribute or retain this message or any part of it. This footnote also confirms that this EMail has been swept for computer viruses, but please re-sweep any attachments before opening or saving. HTTP:// ********************************************************************** ****
galaxy • 761 views
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.7 years ago by Paul-Michael Agapow120
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