Question: Showing Content Of 2 Columns In Select
gravatar for Andrew Stewart
7.7 years ago by
Andrew Stewart20 wrote:
Hi, I would like to be able to show the content of 2 columns from a file as the name of options in a select. Example : I have a file with: Column_1 Column_2 Column_3 I have a select field which feeds its values from this file The value for each choice is Column_1, but I would like the name (i.e. what the user sees) to be a combination of Column_2 and Column_3 (in this case, Column_3 contains a count, which would be shown between parenthesis) Is there a way to do that without resorting to the deprecated tag ? (with actions maybe ?) Thanks
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.7 years ago by Andrew Stewart20
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