Question: Re: Downstream Analysis Of Cuffdiff Out Put
Jeremy Goecks • 2.2k wrote:
Please send queries such as these to the galaxy-user mailing list
(cc'd); there are many users on the list who can contribute to this
discussion, and there are many additional users that will benefit from
this discussion.
In general, I agree that tools are needed to further process
cufflinks/compare/diff outputs, but I'm not aware of any that are
publicly available. Let's open this issue up for discussion and see if
we can reach a consensus about tools might be useful. Everyone, please
feel free to contribute ideas/tools; note that the Galaxy Tool Shed is
a nice place for sharing tools you've built for Galaxy:
I've got a script that does this for the cuffdiff isoform expression
testing file and a GTF file; I'll wrap it up and add it to Galaxy in
the next couple weeks. It would probably be useful to have similar
scripts for the other expression testing files as well. Also, it would
be nice to be able to take the FPKM values generated by Cuffdiff and
attach them to their respective transcripts as attributes.