Question: Bed-To-Gff: Option For Gff3 Format
gravatar for Karen Tang
7.7 years ago by
Karen Tang40
Karen Tang40 wrote:
Hi Galaxy developers, Any plans on adding a gff3 format option to BED-to-GFF? I found a BED-to-GFF3 converter at the Rätsch lab's instance of Galaxy ( Any plans on making this converter more widely available? Karen :) Dept of Plant Biology University of Minnesota
gff • 5.3k views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 7.7 years ago • written 7.7 years ago by Karen Tang40
gravatar for Karen Tang
7.7 years ago by
Karen Tang40
Karen Tang40 wrote:
Hi Galaxy developers, Any plans on adding a GTF-to-GFF3 format conversion? This converter is at the Rätsch lab's instance of Galaxy ( Could it be made more widely available? Karen :) Dept of Plant Biology University of Minnesota
ADD COMMENTlink written 7.7 years ago by Karen Tang40
Hey guys, Is there an irc channel for galaxy? I googled for "galaxy irc" but all I see in the first fifty results are entries for the samsung galaxy (which is an excellent phone ;) Best Regards, George Marselis, systems administrator Building #2, Level 4, room 4327 Computational Bioscience Research Center, KAUST Land: +966-2-808-2944, Mobile: +966-56-321-7714, Skype: project2501a
ADD REPLYlink written 7.7 years ago by George Marselis10
Hi George, Thanks to your suggestion and work by Nate Coraor, Galaxy now has an IRC channel: Server: Channel: #galaxyproject This is an informal online gathering place for the Galaxy community to post questions and help each other out. Note that while IRC is conducive to quick discussion, it doesn't work so well as an official support channel (and therefore IRC is not an official Galaxy support channel). If you have a question, bug, or feature suggestion that you want to make sure the Galaxy team knows about, please continue to send these to the mailing lists. Please reply to this thread if you have any questions, or you can post them on the IRC. Thanks, Dave C. On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 1:57 PM, George Marselis < --
ADD REPLYlink written 7.7 years ago by Dave Clements ♦♦ 2.5k
Karen, Sorry for the slow reply. There are no immediate plans to add either BED-to-GFF3 or GTF-to-GFF3 converters to Galaxy main or the Galaxy codebase. However, if you're working with your own Galaxy, you might encourage the Rätsch lab to contribute their tools to the Galaxy Tool Shed (; you could then download them from there and install them in your own Galaxy. Alternatively, we welcome community contributions to the Galaxy codebase, and we'd be happy to incorporate these tools if they came with functional tests and test data. Best, J.
ADD REPLYlink written 7.7 years ago by Jeremy Goecks2.2k
Speaking of which, could a Galaxy developer look at adding these changes, please? interlace-fastq-mate-pair Thanks, Florent
ADD REPLYlink written 7.7 years ago by Florent Angly370
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