Question: Assembling PE reads with broad fragment length distribution
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2.1 years ago by
bailliecharles0 wrote:


I am sequencing some very degraded DNA with 2X75bp PE. I have retained very short fragments ~40bp since these are useful for my application, did not perform fragmentation of my libraries due their being very degraded, and no size selection. What is the best way to do assembly since I cannot really say what the mean insert size is - most reads will overlap, and few will have inserts ~400 - 500bp.

Thanks, C

assembly • 603 views
ADD COMMENTlink modified 16 months ago by colindaven0 • written 2.1 years ago by bailliecharles0
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16 months ago by
colindaven0 wrote:

Sounds tough. I like soapdenovo2 (install via bioconda), since it is easy to configure and runs quickly.

Another good assembler is Abyss.

I think you'll have to try a lot of assemblies to get something usable since the sample sounds poor.

ADD COMMENTlink written 16 months ago by colindaven0
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